This issue, however, has fired me to the point where I can find no alternative to speaking out concerning the lies that are being spread among the American public.
The current health care reform, for which we are all eagerly awaiting the results of the vote, is wrong. It is practically wrong, it is economically faulty, and it is morally reprehensible.
There will be no extra charges for pre-existing medical conditions.
Is this a sick joke? Is a sick man now the same cost as a healthy one? Can the Democratic Congress magically change the cost of health care for each one to become equal?
Of course they cannot. Pre-existing medical conditions make for greater costs in health care and, therefore, make for higher insurance premiums. That is both logical and practical. It does not cost the same to insure both parties because, quite obviously, both parties are not the same! Quite obviously, the medical cost for someone with pre-existing conditions is higher than the one for someone who is well. What sort of practical sense does it make to equate the costs with each other?
Obviously none. The burden will be levied on the productive, in this case the wealthy, and will ultimately end in lower-quality health care as the 32-35 million uninsured people, who now will magically have affordable health care (because of increased taxes) will flood the market, overwhelming doctors who will be less willing to work as they will be payed much lower salaries.
Economically faulty? I'll get to that right away.
The increased prices on the wealthy, which will undoubtedly come, regardless of the current rates, (it must, after all, to cover the hugely-increased prices of health care which will henceforth ensue.) will hurt the economy, as they have in the past and will continue to do. The productive, the innovative, the ambitious--these are all people who drive the economy forward and are rewarded for their success with salaries. Who is willing to work, extend their funds to make new businesses or products, or undertake huge debts in medical or law school when the only reward comes with a huge burden to bear--the burden of this new "public right" which Mrs. Pelosi has so graciously invented for our benefit?
Far fewer people than are now, which is already not enough.
Secondarily, it seems as if everybody is broke these days. Why does it seem that way?
Because we ARE broke these days. Because of programs like this, dating back to the incredibly socialist himself, FDR, America has slowly, despite having the best minds in the world, despite having the most ambitious souls, despite the advantages we have, programs like these are slowly sucking the success of our country down a giant Red pipe that leads to the No. 2 (or worse) slot in the world economy.
Morally? Here is my largest bone to pick with Pelosi, Obama, and the rest of the do-gooder well-meaning altruistic incompetents who have foolishly been given the leadership of the country.
As I mentioned, the Democrats (and, to be fair, many of the Republicans) have decided to invent a right for the benefit of the American public. "Health care is a right, not a privilege," said Pelosi on the Hill this evening.
Since when is the care of another person the responsibility of another? Since when is the burden of someone else's health to be levied upon the more successful, punishing them for the "hubris" of success and ambition?
Apparently now. It seems as if now is the time in which we "must accept responsibility", no matter the cost, for the weaker members of our country. It is our duty, so decrees the Senate and House and Kommisar...I mean President Obama.
Don't like it? Go to jail.
This sickens me. This is the beginning of the end. Mark my words, anybody who might happen to read this--this is the first of many steps to the bottom.
As Tom Delay said just minutes ago: "They shredded and trashed the Constitution and then lied to the American people."
Goodnight. Don't get sick-who knows who will be paying for it?
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